Always choose a real weakness, don’t make things up

Choose a skill, so, something that can be learned and improved at

Prepare a soft skill (i.e. public speaking) and a hard skill (I.e. Microsoft Excel)

Add how you’ve been working on your weakness (I.e. I’ve joined the Jobsalandsmasters) and what results you’re seeing already (I.e. my manager has noticed that I’m more confident speaking up in meetings)

Choose weaknesses that are a the most important skills for the role you’re after

Always prepare multiple weaknesses (I recommend 3 in total). You don’t want to be caught off guard if you only prepared one and the interviewer asks “Great, what else?”

The interviewer isn’t trying to trick you when they ask this question.

Everyone has weaknesses.

The reasons they ask is to see how self-aware you are and what you’re doing about your weaknesses.

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