Truth is, your CV is more than your career details, it’s your story. A client came to us as she was seeking to make a career change, She’d been in the same role for 2 decades, and she needed help with an exit strategy.
Before we even talked about the CV, we talked about her story and her career path. Through this process, We could hear her voice change and her confidence increase.
She realized she had done way more than she gave herself credit for.. We worked on her CV together. Later that evening, she emailed us ‘I LOVE my CV!!! Finally, a CV I am proud of – I couldn’t believe how good I sounded! ‘ But this was her. It was her story.
We simply helped her articulate it.
We all have our own stories, and that’s what sets us apart from others.
Before beginning the process of drafting your CV, take the time to dig deep and do your homework.
Outline your career story, it will amaze you all what you have accomplished.