Dear jobseekers What answer do you give when asked what your salary expectation is?
I recently interviewed a candidate who answered, “Any amount is okay with me.”
She was interviewing for an Accounts Assistant position that would pay a range of 25-30K. I was shocked as to why she was willing to settle for just any amount. She revealed to me that she was scared of losing an opportunity to work, having spent the past one and a half years looking for a job. She thought that if she quoted her ideal salary, I would not recommend her to the client. Her qualifications and skills were good and she got the job and a good salary. As frustrating and draining as job searching is, it does not mean that your skills and experience are not worthy. When you get to the salary question in your interview, speak your worth because you deserve it. Do not be afraid to quote your salary expectations. During your job search, have you been in a similar position?